Reactivity trend across period 3
Reactivity trend across period 3

Sodium burns vigorously with a golden yellow flame to give a white combination of sodium peroxide and sodium oxide. Sodium is the most reactive while argon being a noble gas is the least reactive due to its stable octet electronic status. However, the reactivity rates differ from one element to another across period three with a decrease in reactivity rate as you from left to right across the periodic tablet. Most period three elements readily react with oxygen when ignited using a Bunsen burner flame. Results and Discussion Reactions of the period 3 elements with oxygen Using a pH paper, the pH of each resulting solution was test and classified accordingly. The formed oxides were then put in different labelled test tubes and distilled water added to form hydroxides. For sulphur, phosphorus, and silicon powder were put in a test tube and heated at the same time a stream of oxygen gas was directed inside the test tubes to form respective oxides. Using a holder, sodium, magnesium, and aluminium metals were burnt in the presence of oxygen using a Bunsen burner and results recorded. For sulphur chloride and silicon chloride samples, due to the complexities involved, the experiment was not performed in the lab. To each test tube, distilled water was added and the solution thoroughly shaken. Sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, phosphorus (V) chloride and aluminium chloride solid samples were put each in a separate labelled test tubes.

reactivity trend across period 3

The formed chlorides were used to perform the next set of experiment. Sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, sulphur, argon gas and phosphorus element were put inside different seven test tubes contain chlorine gas and then heated to give respective chlorides.

reactivity trend across period 3

Keep bench clear and tidy, wipe up small splashes with a damp cloth or paper. The chemicals used included: NaCl3, AlCl3, MgCl 2, SiO 2, and water distilled. The equipments used in the experiment included: six tubes tests, several plastic pipettes, six scoopula, test tube holder, tissue and pH test paper. Trends such as decrease in atomic radius, increase in ionization energy, generally decrease in reactive across the period are important behaviour that are used in predictive chemical and physical properties of elements in periodic table. Periodic trends are a number of supplementary attributes of elements that can be associated with the element’s location the periodic table. Since there is a general trend of both chemical and physical properties down the group and across the period, chemists are able to predict any elements behaviour basing on their position in the periodic table.

reactivity trend across period 3

Chemists developed and organized the periodic table to demonstrate the recurring nature of the chemical and physical attributes of the element.

Reactivity trend across period 3