Dominating conversation disorder
Dominating conversation disorder

dominating conversation disorder

A similar study of students from New Zealand found similar results, with 4.7% scoring above 40. Cultural similarities Ī study of 811 university students in the United States found 5.2% had results indicating they were talkaholics. A score of 40 or above, which indicates two standard deviations above the norm, would signal someone to be a true talkaholic. Richmond constructed the Talkaholic Scale, a Likert-type model, to help identify those who are compulsive talkers. It has also been found that talkaholics are never behaviorally shy. Tendencies towards compulsive talking also are more frequently seen in the personality structure of neurotic psychotic extraverts.

dominating conversation disorder

They have also been found to be more argumentative and have a positive attitude regarding communication. Those who have been characterized as compulsive talkers talk with a greater frequency, dominate conversations, and are less inhibited than others. Compulsive talkers are those who are highly verbal in a manner that differs greatly from the norm and is not in the person's best interest. However, those who compulsively talk are not to be confused with those who are simply highly verbal and vary their quantity of talk. It is something which is rewarded and positively correlated with leadership and influence. Richmond, that United States society finds talkativeness attractive. It has been suggested, through research done by James C. Studies have shown that most people who are talkaholics are aware of the amount of talking they do, are unable to stop, or do not see it as a problem. Personality traits that have been positively linked to this compulsion include assertiveness, willingness to communicate, self-perceived communication competence, and neuroticism. The main criteria for determining if someone is a compulsive talker are talking in a continuous manner or stopping only when the other person starts talking, and others perceiving their talking as a problem. Compulsive talking (or talkaholism) is talking that goes beyond the bounds of what is considered to be socially acceptable.

Dominating conversation disorder